Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year Martha and Bailey!!

Hi Everydoggie!!!:) Id just like to thank Martha & Bailey for being the Bestest pals a doggie could possibly ask for!!!;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope Santa Paws gez you lotz & Lotz of prezzies!!! Good luck working with the Man himself "Santa Paws"!:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gonna miss you while your away with Santa Paws!!! I look forward to Hearing from you in the New Year!!!:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You've been BRILLIANT all year round!!!:) :) :)
Love & Best wishes esp. At Christmas...:)
From Penny & Family!!!:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I didnt weally do much today apart from look forward to Christmas!!!:DSo...This day next week is Christmas Eve!!!:D I SOOOOOOOOO CANT WAIT!!!:D :) Mommy gotz me a weally weally weally BIG
Present for Christmas SoO Im gonna rip into it!!!:) :)
You guys got any prezzies Yet????!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lots of sloppy doggy licks..Penny!!;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday, December 11, 2009

Merry Christmas from Penny!!!!:)

Hi every doggie!!!!! Long,long,long,long,long,long time no see!!!!:D haha!!!
Well Im stopping round jus to say I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!!:)
And a Blessed and delightful New Year!!!!!!!!:)
Ive missed you all very very much!!!:( So a very merry Christmas & a happy new year!!!:)

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